candle lost love spells

Candle lost love. The relationship is over but you still have feelings for him or her and all you want is to make that

special person come back into your life. If you are looking for a surefire way to bring your ex back to you,

Get to know that this ritual (African Voodoo Love) is dubbed so because it majors on enhancing the power of candles in the journey of love.

These love work best if applied correctly according to the situation at hand. it also applies to common situations,

such as the break-up of potential or active marriage partners and cases of husband-wife snatching amongst others.



  1. Collect the above ingredients and await the advent of a night when there is a full moon. 
  2. Write your lost wife’s/ husband’s name on the white paper. 
  3. Place the lit candles on the paper, but ensure that they are on opposite edges.  
  4. Burn small spots of the paper using the red candle on both the upper and lower sides.  
  5. Wrap your lost lover’s image in the napkin and tie the package using the thread.   
  6. Hold the package on top of the burning candles without burning it. 
  7. At the same time, you should be focusing your mind on your lost lover as you chant the words that are appropriate for the corresponding season that you will be casting the Ritual.  It is advisable to do the soonest possible before your partner and use the appropriate words to chant. Failure to do so may lead to delayed and ineffective results. Candle Lost Love 

The candle-loss love will show its effectiveness when your partner returns home, calls you, or seeks someone else to ask you to help them get you back into his| or her life.

It is, however, a sensitive activity that demands focus on at least three things simultaneously, that is, physical action, chanting, and visualizing your partner.

NB: if however your lover is just far away from you, you can use this Ritual below to be reunited with your loved one.


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