Attracting Birds

Attracting Birds. In addition to offering new food sources, you can attract new birds to your backyard if you change

how you offer seeds and other food. Add a new type of bird feeder, such as a sock, tube, platform, or saucer feeder to

give birds more choices for how they eat.

Not all birds will visit feeders, but they all need water. While a basic bird bath is an easy way to attract birds with

water, upgrading your water features, or adding new ones will bring new bird species to your yard.

Not all birds will visit feeders, but they all need water. While a basic birdbath is an easy way to attract birds with

water, upgrading your water features or adding new ones will bring new bird species flocking to your yard. Moving

water: Instead of just a static birdbath, add a dripper, mister, or bubbler to create motion.

They will attract birds like chickadees, finches, and some kinds of sparrows. Suet feeders. Suet feeders are designed

to offer suet cakes, which attract different birds like woodpeckers, nuthatches, and chickadees. Tube feeders. To

attract hummingbirds, use a tube feeder. These dispense sugar water through a tube. Provide seed and other food.

How can I attract more birds to my backyard?|Do bird feeders attract birds?|How do you attract birds to a bird bath?|How do you attract hummingbirds to a bird feeder?|


12 Tips on How to Attract Birds to Your Yard Fast


When it comes to attracting birds, providing for their basic needs is essential to making your yard a welcoming

environment. Food, water, and shelter are all key in how to attract birds, but there are other factors to consider.

While this meets their physiological needs for survival, birds also look for a safe space to call their home, as well as

somewhere they can be social. Follow our tips below to make your yard a welcoming haven for birds.

1. Create a bird feeding station

Create a bird feeding station to address your feathered friends’ most basic need for survival – food! Rather than

putting up one feeder, consider creating a bird feeding station with multiple feeders to attract more birds to your yard.

Different birds will show preferences for one feeder style over another so the variety will give your birds the

benefit of choice. Cardinals, Juncos, and Blue Jays are all ground feeders but will take advantage of a sturdy hopper

as well, while finches and nuthatches will gravitate to hanging cylindrical feeders.


You’ll want to consider placing your station somewhere you can view it year-round, and in the safest space for your

birds. Different species of birds feed at different levels and the perfect feeding station will match this.

Start with at least 3 or 4 feeders, placing them at different heights, with a variety of feeder types, giving you the best

chance at attracting birds to your yard. The more feeders you have, the more birds you will attract.

2. Tempt with the right treats

With a variety of different feeders, you are on the right track to attracting a gaggle of birds to your yard. Tempting

birds with the right treats is another excellent step in meeting their needs and providing a haven for them.

Different birds eat different things, so giving them a choice is not only a tool to entice them but also helps them get

the proper nutrition they need to stay healthy.

One of the biggest mistakes that beginners often make is buying cheap food or generic low-quality feed like those

typically found at large chain hardware stores or grocery stores. While it’s a start, help your birds stay healthy by

investing in quality bird feed that meets their nutritional needs and is best suited for them.

bird sitting on a bird feeder

Black Oil Sunflower seed is an excellent place to begin and will attract a variety of songbirds, including Blue Jays,

Cardinals, Grosbeaks, and chickadees. But don’t stop there – offer your birds a variety of seeds and berries to appeal

to the widest array of wild birds. Smaller seeds like nyjer or millet will attract different species, like nuthatches and

finches, that aren’t as big a fan of sunflower seeds.


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