Celtic Love Knots. The Celtic love knot resembles two interlocking hearts and usually sits within an oval shape. Sailor’sKnot.The Sailor’sknot is symbolic of friendship, affection, harmony, and love. The list below is by no means all-inclusive, please feel free to inquire about a service if you do not see it listed. *Disclaimer: Please note that we provide are based on psychic abilities and traditional healing. It is not an exact science as such results may vary. Since this is symbolic of this culture, we can see them in everyday usage. People wear various types of Celtic knots as jewelry, on their clothing, and in calligraphy, and they also adorn them as tattoos to express themselves. The history of the Celtic knots goes back to the year 450 A.D., although some people place the beginnings of it at a different time. In any case, it has lasted over many years and people still use the symbols and meanings of the Celtic knots in modern-day. Celtic Cross One of the Celtic knots is the Celtic Cross. Both Christians and Pagans view the Celtic Cross differently. Christians view the Celtic Cross as the way that Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross. The Pagans, see it as the four directions that are present in their religion and also as the meeting place for all of the divine energies inside the cross. The Celtic knots come in a variety of styles and each of these styles has a different meaning associated with it. Celtic Spiral Another knot is the Spiral Knot. This is also a three-folded knot that represents the meanings of nature. It represents unity and spirit and includes fire, air, water, and earth symbols. Having the Dara Knot with diamonds shows an oak tree’s root system. Celtic Love Knot To represent the love of two people, the Scotland Celtic Love Knot is perhaps one of the simplest designs, as well as one of the oldest designs of the Celtic knots. It is in an oval shape that has two interlocking hearts within it. People in relationships love to give this in the form of a ring that they give to one another. The Sailor’s Knot represents love, harmony, friendship, and affection. The Shield Many people use this type of knot when there is an upcoming dangerous mission or event that a person that they know will be experiencing. They frequently give them as gifts to people that they care about by choosing one of the knots that will give the person those specific wishes or protections when given to them. Even though a lot of the use of Celtic knots is based on beliefs and symbolism and some with a bit of intrigue, many people love the way that the designs look because they are intriguing. The popularity of Celtic knots will continue long into the future where people will benefit from wearing them as jewellery, tattoos, and using them on their clothing and in calligraphy. Since people can find these items for reasonable prices, they know that they are getting a good item for the price that they pay.