Hana alohaHana aloha

Hana aloha. Hana aloha is a Hawaiian term for the art of love magic. The practice of hana aloha was performed by

kahuna (priest) who conducted a ceremony to gain the desired effect. An infatuated person may request a hana

aloha to instill lust into a desired victim, or a shy person may request a ceremony that simply brings the

desired person in closer proximity. Conversely, a person who felt that they were afflicted by love-inducing magic

could request a “pale hana aloha” ceremony to ward off the unwanted love. Some kahuna would only conduct a

hana aloha ceremony if the love was spiritually pure. One test used to determine this was to stir a bowl of

water and place two flowers, particularly those of the ko’oloa’ula (Abutilon menziesii) in the turbulent liquid. If the

Hana aloha | Love Magic in Hawaii | Black Magic Love in Hawaii | Magic for Love in Hawaii | White Magic Love in Hawaii 

One test used to determine this was to stir a bowl of water and place two flowers, particularly those of the ko’oloa’ula

(Abutilon menziesii) in the turbulent liquid. If the flowers quickly met and floated together then the love was

Hana aloha | Love Magic in Hawaii | Black magic spells love | Love spell

| Love Magic in Hawaii | Black Magic  Love in Hawaii | Magic for Love in Hawaii | White Magic Love Spell in Hawaii 

The list below is by no means all-inclusive, please feel free to inquire about a service if you do not see it listed.

*Disclaimer: Please note that we provide are based on psychic abilities and traditional healing. It is not an exact science. As such results may vary.

flowers quickly met and floated together then the love was ordained, but if the flowers avoided each other the ceremony was not to be conducted.

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