Is karma realIs karma real

Is karma Real? According to Bacine, yes, karma is very real and present in our lives, even if it doesn’t quite make sense logically. “There is a mystical, magical energy to the universe that we can’t always understand from our logical human perspective,” she says.

God created the law of karma, and God will not violate it. God does, however, give courage and strength if asked.

Karma is nothing more than cause and effect. The Sanskrit meaning of the word means “action,” not “punishment” or “curse.” It explains one of nature’s laws: every action reacts.

Karma is a belief that whatever you do will come back to you, either in this life or the next. It is embraced by followers of Buddhism, Hinduism, and others around the world. For some, this is not only deeds but thoughts and words as well. Many karma examples, both good and bad, can be seen in everyday life.

The answer is in the affirmative — Karma is real in love and also in heartbreak. When you break someone’s heart, you create a lot of bad Karma. When you get cheated on by your ex, you can be sure that Karma will make them pay the price of breaking your heart.

“Karma is the idea that what you do comes back to you. The energy you put out is the energy you receive back,” says Alyse Bacine, a breathwork practitioner and spiritual mentor with a master’s degree in counseling psychology. “Karma can show up in different ways for different people and in different lifetimes even. So, we can’t always know or predict how and when it will come back to you.”

This begs the question: does karma exist? According to Bacine, yes, karma is very real and present in our lives, even if it doesn’t quite make sense logically. “There is a mystical, magical energy to the universe that we can’t always understand from our logical human perspective,” she says. If you’re still feeling a bit skeptical about karma’s existence, take a retrospective look at your own life or the lives of others and you’ll likely find real-life examples of karma in action.

Different Types of Karma

Diving deeper, Bacine notes that in Hinduism there are three types of karma. Prarabdha karma encompasses the karma you’ve accumulated in this lifetime. Sanchita karma refers to the sum of all your past karmas from previous lifetimes, and Agami karma results from current decisions you’ve made and actions you’ve taken.

The most often talked about types of karma, though, are good and bad karma. Bacine explains that good karma is when you make a positive contribution to the world such as helping someone in need, paying someone a genuine compliment, or even smiling at a stranger. That good fortune then returns to you in some way—maybe you meet loving people in your life, receive unexpected money, or things just work out well for you.

On the contrary, bad karma is when you’ve made some sort of negative contribution such as doing or saying something that hurts others out of jealousy or anger. You may then receive that energy back in the form of difficult situations and challenges or you might experience someone doing something similar to you down the road (read: karmic relationships). “It’s not always the exact situation either,” Bacine notes. “It can show up differently, but the karmic situation will always carry the same underlying energy.”

Where do the 12 laws of karma come from?

In addition to the different types of karma, there are also the 12 laws of karma. Think of them as the rules to playing the game of karma and understanding how it all works. “The 12 laws of karma originated from the Hindu and Buddhist belief systems,” Bacine says. “In these schools of thought, the 12 laws of karma are a tool for interpreting how energy works in our universe. Karma translates to the word action. In my understanding, these laws help us to understand how our actions affect ourselves, others, and the universe.”

What are the 12 laws of karma?

Also known as the law of cause and effect, the great law is what comes to mind for many people when they consider what karma means. It states that whatever thoughts or energy we put out, we get back—good or bad. “It’s like sowing and reaping,” says Jennifer Gray, certified professional life coach. “If you plant love and kindness, you shall get that in return.

2. The Law of Creation

The law of creation is all about—you guessed it—creating. You don’t just wait for good things to magically happen in your life; you have to actively go out there and make things happen. Gray points to the Oprah, and Beyoncés of the world as prime examples of people who embody this karmic law. “They have used their talents, gifts, and abilities to bless the world,” she says. “They are constantly creating something, not just for the benefit of themselves but also for the benefit of others.” So, the power to create your ideal reality lies within you.

3. The Law of Humility

To change something in your life, you first have to accept what currently exists. That is the premise of the law of humility. This is one trait, Gray points out, that many highly successful people embody. “They are strong, kind, generous, and very humble people,” she says. “But when they all started on their paths, they had to accept certain things about themselves and society.

So know that no matter where you start, if you’re able to own your story and the facets of it that are completely out of your control, you can also own the path for what’s next. A happy, healthy, successful future is yours for the taking.

4. The Law of Growth

As its name suggests, the universal law of growth is about expansion, namely within ourselves. Gray says that as we grow, change, and evolve internally, our external reality will change and grow as a result. This is where personal development and reading self-help and spiritual books can come into play. And the growth never ends—there are always new things to learn, shift, and heal.

5. The Law of Responsibility

The law of responsibility is about taking ownership of everything that happens in our lives, including the not-so-good stuff. “We are responsible for how we choose to live our lives—not anyone else,” Gray says. “We are responsible for how we show up in the world, how we allow others to treat us, and how we treat other people.” To put this law into action, take responsibility for the part you play in every situation you have.

6. The Law of Connection

The law of connection states that everything and every person is connected in some way. For example, Gray says that although the past you, the present you, and the future you may seem like entirely different people, they are all still you. Everything you’ve experienced has led to the next thing and the next thing and the next thing. It’s all linked up. We’re connected to other people, too.

“As we help, teach, love, honor, and respect ourselves, we do the same for others,” Gray says. “The connection is always there. We just have to be observant and tune into it.”

7. The Law of Force

Although some of us may claim to be pro multitaskers, the inclination to do everything at once often just slows us down. The law of force states that you cannot put your energy toward two things simultaneously. “When you focus on one thing at a time, you accomplish much more, and with better results,” Gray says.

8. The Law of Giving and Hospitality

This law of karma is all about selflessness, giving to others, and practicing what you preach. It’s about ensuring that you’re not simply saying and thinking good thoughts but that you also walk the walk and follow those beliefs with action. Let’s say, for example, that you believe in donating to charity. So, then, the law of giving and hospitality states that when the opportunity to donate presents itself, you follow through and donate, rather than simply advocating for it to happen.





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