Is there a spell That gives you Prosperity?Is there a spell That gives you Prosperity?

Is there a ritual that gives you prosperity? Prosperity magic can be tricky. You need to be specific so you do not have

undesired effects. However, you also need to be open enough in your wording to let money come to you from places

and opportunities you may not have thought of yet. Here is a simple hex that fits these requirements. Overall

Thursday is the day for prosperity and abundance. Thursday is ruled by the planet Jupiter, and the Gods Thor

and Zeus. However, Wednesday, ruled by Mercury and Odin himself, would be better for career, job, or business, and Sunday if you need some fame and fortune.

Free simple Ritual that work|Easy free spells that work!Ritual for wealth and prosperity| New moon magic for prosperity| Simple money prosperity candle Ritual|

Everybody could use a little extra spending money now and then, but for those savvy Witches that want to do successful money magic, there are a few guidelines. To begin with, you really should make sure you know what to expect. You aren’t going to just get a thousand dollars in the mail after a day or two. Prosperity magic money is a tricky thing and there are some rules you need to follow,

  1. I said it a second ago and I’ll say it again, you need to understand that prosperity  – any kind of spell really – will take a little while and a lot of focus. Unless you happen to be a gifted psychic, you’re likely a lot like the rest of us, meaning that since you aren’t skilled enough to cause life-changing lottery-proportion events within a few weeks, you have no reason to expect them. Be realistic about what you expect.
  2. Never, ever, ever take from someone else. Don’t take a job from someone or compel the people you know to give you money against their will. Respect free will, harm none. Is there a ritual that gives you prosperity?
  3. Understand that your mental state is much more important than details like the moon phase or what herbs you use. These add power and focus to your intentions, but if you are coming from a place of fear you are only perpetuating your reason for fear.
  4. It’s not enough to just cast a. As with any kind of magic, to achieve prosperity, you must take action toward your goal. If you need extra cash, start looking for a job. Chances are they will help you find a good fit and pave your way to employment. If you don’t put out any effort, you can’t give yourself the extra boost that an organized, proactive effort might use to great advantage.

So yeah, magic isn’t the answer to getting quick cash, but that’s not what being Wiccan is about. There are rules that you can choose to abide by. If you don’t…. well, I’ll say “I told you so” in advance. Karma makes no exceptions.

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