Wanga Rituals.could bring you love, money, success, revenge–anything you desire! Select the doll or dolls that fit your specific need, then experience the wonders that only a Wanga may bring! Wanga and Obeah summon the forces of the night, supernatural forces that are beyond man’s comprehension. Each Wanga represents a powerful spirit that could work on behalf of the person who possesses it. Possess the Wanga and let its extraordinary powers work for you. Money Wanga| Luck Wanga |Success Wanga| Protection Wanga| I just have to tell everyone that the Love Wanga worked for me. I had divorced a very abusive and hateful man 2 1/2 years ago. nothing but sadness during our 7-year marriage. Wanga Rituals. Shortly after, I ordered the Love Wanga doll–just to see what might happen. Boy was I surprised!! Right after I received it I placed a personal ad and met several nice men. I went on many dates and finally met the man of my dreams. We are engaged and will be married next summer. He is the kindest man I’ve ever met. My son adores him and he’s a great role model for him. The attraction RitualsAttraction Rituals, are the kind of Rituals that you can use to attract someone in other words you care about in your life. However, you can turn to attraction Rituals, which they use to attract someone either sexually or for other reasons. In addition, Attraction Rituals help you attract the person you want in your life.