witchcraft in the ukwitchcraft in the uk

Witchcraft in England uk.Witchcraft in Anglo-Saxon England (Old Englishwiċċecræft) refers to the belief and practice of magic by

the Anglo-Saxons between the 5th and 11th centuries AD in Early Mediaeval England. Surviving evidence regarding Anglo-

Saxon witchcraft beliefs comes primarily from the latter part of this period, after England had been Christianised. This Christian

era evidence includes penitentials, pastoral letters, homilies and hagiographies, in all of which Christian preachers denounce the

practice of witchcraft as un-Christian, as well as both secular and ecclesiastical law codes, which mark it out as a criminal offence.

From surviving historical and archaeological evidence from the period, contemporary scholars believe that beliefs

regarding magic in Anglo-Saxon England revolved largely around magico-medicinal healing, the use of various charms, amulets

and herbal preparations to cure the sick. Literary accounts of many of these medicinal charms still survive. Archaeologists have

also argued that certain burials, both in the pagan and Christian periods, represented female magical practitioners, of “cunning

women”, who may have practiced witchcraft alongside benevolent magic.

When was witchcraft in England?!Why did witchcraft become an issue in England?!When did England abolish witchcraft?!When did witchcraft End in England?

The first Witchcraft Act in England was introduced in 1542. The Act was however repealed in 1547. The Witchcraft Act of 1563

introduced the death penalty for any sorcery used to cause someone’s death. In 1604 the Witchcraft Act was reformed to include anyone to have made a Pact with Satan.

The earliest recorded use of the word is in the Laws of Ælfred, which date to about 890: Tha faemnan, the gewuniath onfon

gealdorcraeftigan and scinlaecan and wiccan, ne laet thu tha libban. Women who are accustomed to receiving enchanters and

sorceresses and witches, do not let them live!

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